I started playing RuneScape a few days back.

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I started playing RuneScape a few days back. I found RuneScape addicting and fun, but I saw some folks over RuneScape which were way more powerful then me, like level 68 or level 70. And so I decided to function and aim my objective to develop into powerful and meet a woman and a boy who will be my buddies and assist me on my journey. So if anybody can, please tell me where the best places are for these individual stats so I can train! Also if there'll be a girl and man to OSRS gold help me on my trip that would be nice. Thanks!

Alright so here's a complete guide that will help you get to your goals (in the order you should train, I'm assuming you want a greater battle level first): There are a lot of quests that you should do to assist you train those abilities, but I will skip them in this post. Attack to 30: Cows/Minotaurs at the Stronghold of Security.

For Prayer just bury the bones you get; in lower levels it'll help you get quite a couple of prayer levels. Ranged to 30: Cows/Minotaurs (... see the pattern ? Basically those two are fairly good for low level f2p training). If you kill cattle, be sure to pick up their gifts, it is very good money. I propose killing them at the farm south of Falador. It's usually empty and close to a lender as well. Runecrafting: This isn't a battle skill, but suggest training it to supply you with exactly the runes you are going to want for Magic (if you don't want to buy them of course).

Do what Bennub said; however at level 33 you'll be profiting from crafting air runes. Magic: Now you when you have sufficient cash (~40k) buy a water staff, couple hundred earth runes and few hundred body runes. Now cast confuse till level 11, then weaken to level 19. Since you can throw them while safe-spotting you won't need food. You can even cast combat spells if you want to.

Right, subsequently cast curse to level 25, Varrock teleport to level 37, Falador teleport to level 43. Then comes Superheat. As you'll need atleast 15 Smithing to Old School RS Gold generate iron bars(or 30 for metal bars; both are very good, depends on personal preference) I would say train your Smithing (and Mining as you're at it). Mining + Smithing: Again do what Bennub said (he is really very helpful, surprisingly xD) for Mining. Once your 15(or 30), then you can start Superheating.